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WOD 02.09.2019 - 16.09.2019

Montag, 16.09.2019

A. Record your best Power Clean 1 rep max lift.
    Record your best Squat Clean 1 rep max lift.

B. Record your best Bench Press 1 rep max lift.

C. Row 500 m

Sonntag, 15.09.2019

A. A single max effort Box Jump for total height.

B. "Helen"

3 rounds for time of:

Run, 400 m
21 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5/1 pood
12 Pull-ups

Samstag, 14.09.2019

A. Farmers Walk (Kettlebell) 400 m (unbroken)

B. Prowler Push 1-1-1-1-1, using heaviest weight per set

C. Ski Erg 500 m

Freitag, 13.09.2019

A. Strict Press From Lunge 5-5-5-5-5, using heaviest weight per set
    Deadlift + Bent Over Row 5-5-5-5-5, using heaviest weight per set

B. Goblet Squat 12-12-12, using heaviest weight per set
     L-Sit Hold 3x30, using same weight per set

C. 3 rounds, each round for time, of:

15/10 Row Calories
10 Burpee Over Bars
15/10 Ski Erg Calories

Rest 2 mins between each round.

Donnerstag, 12.09.2019

A. Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5

B. Each for time: Row: 4x 500 m

Rest 3 mins between efforts.

Mittwoch, 11.09.2019

A. Back Squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1

B. For quality:


Dienstag, 10.09.2019

A. 1-1-2 Dumbbell Bench Press 6-6-6-6-6, using heaviest weight per set
    1 Knees To Elbow, 1 Toe To Bar, 1 Pull Up 3-3-3-3-3, using heaviest weight per set

B. 3 rounds, 1 min per station, of:

Row Calories
Overhead Walking Lunge
Wall Ball
Kettlebell Swing

Montag, 09.09.2019

A. Banded Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5

B. 5 rounds for time of:

2 Legless Rope Climbs, 15 ft
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, 65/45 lbs

Samstag, 07.09.2019

For time:

Walking Lunge, 100 m
100 Ring Rows
100 Bumper Plate Ground-to-Overheads, 10/5 kg
100 Hanging Knee Raises
100 Back Extensions

Freitag, 06.09.2019

A. Suitcase Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5

B. 3 rounds for time of:

12 Pause Goblet Squats, pick load
15 Push-ups

Gob-Sq: 30 Sec static hold bottom position then 12 Reps

C. 21-15-9 reps, for time of:

Push Press, 115/73 lbs

Donnerstag, 05.09.2019

A. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat 10-10-10

B. Lying Tricep Extension 10-10-10

C. For time:

200/150 Ski Erg Calories
200/150 Bike Erg Calories
200/150 Row Calories

Partner WOD

Mittwoch, 04.09.2019

A. Floor Press 5-5-5-5-5

B. Dumbbell Row 10-10-10-10-10

C. For time:

Run, 1600 m
Row, 800 m
Ski Erg, 400 m
200 Double Unders

Dienstag, 03.09.2019

A. Handstand Hold 3x max hold

     A single Wall Handstand Hold hold for max time.

B. Front Squat 5-5-5

C. Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of:

5 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
10 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
15 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5/1 pood

Montag, 02.09.2019

A. Back Rack Barbell Lunge 10-10-10

B. Renegade Row 10-10-10

C. Every 2 mins for 16 mins, alternating between:

Row, 250 m
Farmer Carry, 70/53 lbs, 100 m
Ski Erg, 250 m
15 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls, 95/65 lbs