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WOD 06.07.2016 - 10.07.2016

Sonntag, 10.07.2016

A. 1 rounds, 1 min per station, of:

Box Jump Over
Strict Pull-up
Kettlebell Swing, 32/24 kg
Jumping Alternating Lunge
Knees To Elbow
Push Press, 40/25 kg
Back Extension
Wall Ball, 9/6 kg
Double Under

FGB Style

B. Each for time: Prowler Push: 5x 15 m

Samstag, 09.07.2016

A. Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5

B. For 3 cycles:

AMRAP in 5 mins of:

5 Pull-ups
5 Power Snatches, 95/65 lbs
5 Lateral Burpee (Over Barbell)s

Rest 1 min between cycles

Freitag, 08.07.2016

A. Record your best Power Clean 1 Rep Max lift.

B. 5 rounds for time of:

Row, 500 m
7 Thrusters, 135 lbs

C. A single set of Toes Through Rings for max reps.

Donnerstag, 07.07.2016

A. Front Squat 10-10-10

B. 6 rounds for time of:

3 Box Jumps
6 Strict Ring Dips
9 Barbell Bent Over Rows

C. Tabata 4 x 30:30

Ski Erg (Calories)
Back Extension
Double Under

Mittwoch, 06.07.2016

A. Bench Press 10-10-10

B. 3 rounds for time of:

Farmers Walk (Dumbbell), 25/15 kg, 200 m
3 Rounds Of Cindies